Does Yelp Really Matter More for Ranking and Visibility?

In July 2014, after the launching of Pigeon, Yelp reviews have got additional stresses on search engine result pages. Basically, Yelp reviews have a better impact on local users and help to make a better impression of product or service. Though Yelp reviews are not placed always on top of the search results, the number of positive reviews is determined as a ranking factor. Launching of Pigeon has helped Yelp to recover its appearance in the local search results. It is very evident now if a user types a keyword for a search the top results will come from Yelp. According to Josh Patterson, Hummingbird and Knowledge graph has helped make a better brand image instead of Yelp. However the impact of Yelp is still visible. However Pigeon has helped to process more localized search, there is also an impact of Google’s own reviews. As, Google is integrated everywhere and results from Yelp may be placed at the top, there will be surely the references of Google’s own determination, i.e. the Goggle+ local reviews on the basis of knowledge graph on the very right hand sight of the screen. In case of a business listing may be in Yelp or other sites, the proper business information is necessary. Google verifies a business listing on the basis of NAP which is name, address and phone number. To get assured visibility, one must enroll these details in the specified manner and appropriately. This will help a business to be visible on Google map in a better approach. More people are getting attached with mobile search day by day. According to Patterson the review companies will sustain better and Google has to determine them well for the transition from desktop to mobile. In this concern Yelp may produce dual benefits. It will help in search engine ranking perspective as well as improve visibility on mobile application search.

By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!
